Livermore Amateur Radio Klub
Net Schedule

Welcome to the Livermore Amateur Radio Klub (LARK) web site.

The Livermore Amateur Radio Klub (LARK) was incorporated on July 30, 1959,  as a nonprofit association of persons commonly interested in amateur radio. LARK serves the communities of Livermore, Pleasanton, and Dublin California, and the surrounding Tri-Valley area. LARK is also affiliated with the American Radio Relay League (ARRL).


Full membership in LARK is open to all persons holding a valid Amateur Radio License issued by the FCC or legal aliens with valid Reciprocal Operating Privileges. An Associate membership is available for all other persons wishing to join LARK who do not hold a valid Amateur Radio License.

Membership inquiries should be made to the current membership chairperson as listed in the Contacts and Membership area of this web site.

LARK Amateur Radio Testing Process
LARK conducts testing sessions on an as-needed / as-requested basis immediately following the Klub meetings. To request or determine if there will be a testing session please contact Ron Kane, AD6KV ad6kv02(AD6KV at at least 2 weeks in advance so that arrangements can be made. We can support test sessions nearly every month and will make an effort to accommodate all requests but unfortunately there will be some we are unable to satisfy.  See the Meetings page for directions.

The testing session will begin immediately following the LARK meeting.  The ending time of the meetings varies, so we ask that applicants be at the LARK meeting no later than 10:30 AM.  We encourage attendance for the whole meeting which begins at 9:30 AM.

For other exams in the local area see: , where you can do a ARRL Exam Session Search.  You can search by state or by ZIP Code and distance you are willing to travel.

Amateur Radio Technician License Training Class
LARK conducts a training class several times each year that will teach you what you need to know to take and pass the "Technician" level licensing test… and you don't need to learn Morse Code for ANY level license.  The next class is not scheduled at this time.


--------------  2024  --------------

PACIFICON - October 18-20, 2024
San Ramon Marriott

This volunteer support is for the LARK booth at Pacificon in San Ramon. The days involved will be Saturday, October 19 and Sunday, October 20, 2024. The volunteer times will be in shifts starting at 9:00am and last for two hours each in length, and you can sign up for as many as you want to. Your purpose will be telling people about LARK and encouraging them to join. It is a fun actvity and gives you a chance to talk to many hams over the weekend. Please volunteer and help with this event.

Check this link to sign up. Thank you!

PACIFICON Swap Meet - Sunday, October 20th, 2024

The Swap Meet is held on Sunday morning at PACIFICON. LARK has hosted this event for the MDARC Radio Ham Club in the past years and have been requested to support the event again.
There are two shifts available:

LARK Ham Coordinator: George Moorehead (KG6GEM) kg6wiu104
Sign Up online here:

Cycle of Hope Bike Ride Event – Sunday, October 20th, 2024
This is a fund-raiser bicycle ride of up to 50 kilometer.  There is a need for radio volunteers for this event that starts and finishes in Dublin. Support is needed for SAGs and Stationary Posts from 7am to 3pm.
Please sign up on the link provided for this very worthwhile event.
Radio Volunteer Coordinator is: Chris Quirk W6CJQ    w6cjq

How to have Amateur Radio support for your event 
If you would like Amateur Radio Communications support for your event and for assistance in planning for better communications and safety concerns and event coordination, we can help. LARK can provide communications support for all areas where the event is taking place as well as in areas where cell phones do not work. We also can provide communications for the SAG/Sweep Vehicles, Rest Stops, Water Stations, etc. Please contact the LARK Events Coordinator listed on the Contacts Page for assistance.

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Contact:  email address is a picture to avoid spam!
Last Updated: 07/21/24